Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another dream

I visited William's place to feed two turtles and water the plants. Elizabeth, the marigold has powdery mildew(some sort of fungus) so I cleaned up the white powder on the edge of the pot. Despite the fungus, Elizabeth bloomed a pretty flower. I watched the flower and the turtles eating and fell asleep beside them. The chill woke me up and I decided to take a real nap in bed until I have to go to work.

I was driving to William's apartment in the dream. I couldn't find where it was and kept missing the turns. I got into the garage in his building somehow(you always get to a place "somehow" in dreams) and tried to find a parking spot. Even though his apartment has only two floors in the garage I went up higher and higher.

I finally parked on the 10th floor and walked downstairs. There were hundreds of carnivorous frogs and a cat. The cat bit and hung on to my right hand and the killer frogs hopped on my back and legs. I smashed them against the walls and railings feeling pain from their biting and disgust from seeing them dying.

Now, I was lying on the bed like I did in real life. I tried to get up and couldn't. After a while, I heard someone in the bathroom. The person urinated, flushed, washed hands and turned the light off. He walked into the room and he was William. Even in the dream I knew he should be in Hawai'i; this William looked different -- lean, shorter hair, and evil grin. He dove for the bed. He acted as though he were playing, but he was stopping me from getting up. I yelled at him that he was not real but he mumbled some excuses about the return. I desperately reached for the door and tried to rise myself up but got sucked into the bed every time I tried. I became so frustrated and mad at him I started kicking and punching him and could finally sit up.

I woke up from the nightmare. Even at the moment of waking up I absolutely believed that the dream was real. I looked at myself in the mirror and everything was same as I saw in the dream except the absence of William. I got really scared.

I think I got hallucinated by the marigold fungus.


Blogger DEENiri said...

Last night my friend told me about a dream he had. He told me that he was downtown pushing a bus full of people that he knew. He told me I was on the bus. When I asked him if his family was on the bus, he said no. The bus was full of the people that he chooses to hang out with. Not only did he have to push the bus down a busy street in rush hour traffic, he had to parallel park it. I told him that he needs to prioritize. I haven't had a dream in months...

July 24, 2008 at 11:42 AM  

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